"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> hole in the wall
Thursday, February 10, 2005
This job is just great. I spent last January hanging out in air-conditioned rooms, surfing the net and goofing with workmates. And I got paid for it. The only trade-off was I couldn't play Magic as much.

Last month training ended and we were strewn to different teams. So long late night gimiks. So long early morning inumans.

This month we have unlimited OT. Over tambay. I mean, over time. My shift ends 3pm. There's an average 12-hour differential between here and the States. So by that time, everybody's sleeping there, nobody's calling, and I get to hang around at work, do nothing, but still get paid. Which is what I'm doing right now.

How can I not like this job? I figured it would smother the remnants of whatever social life I had, but at least I can buy me my overdue Christmas gift of a digital cam. One more payday.