"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> hole in the wall
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
I hate feeling like this. Naiinis ako dahil di pa nya ko tinetext. Aargh. I know I should be more considerate, knowing she had just gone through her excrutiating Directed Studies defense this afternoon.. and that we did talk a while before she left for home. But she hasn't texted me since! mutter mutter.. I thought maybe she prolly went straight to bed from exhaustion, or maybe she has run out of load.. or maybe she did get sick from my new haircut, or maybe it's because of a dozen other things. Aargh.

I don't know how I sound to you other folk. She seems to be jarring a lot of my mental and emotional nuts and bolts loose.

Basta. I miss her! I can't stand it when she leaves me in the dark like this.