"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> hole in the wall
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
i don't know if i'm just darned lazy or supremely confident. today's the last day of my midterms exams and here i am, still glued to my computer seat, surfing.

in fact, i didn't review at all for any of my tests. har har. just grabbed my pen, went to school, sat my butt inside the designated room, then scribbled down whatever answers i thought might be right.

and no, i didn't cheat, i loathe cheating. i joke around, asking my seatmates for clear views of their answer sheets, and nod agreement to letting them see mine, but when the exam begins, it's only my paper i mind at all. me selfish.

it's probably supremely confident, then. i'd be damned if i don't get high marks on every test i took so far. not that they were ridiculously easy, only that i'm quite sure i know enough that i can teach it to my classmates. har har. me braggart.

but then how can i review? i don't keep any kind of notes, or lectures. i go to class, i try mightily not to doze off while the prof drones on, i leave. aha, it should be darned lazy. me indolent. at least i attend.

what does it matter anyway, so long as i pass. whatever works, right?