"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> hole in the wall
Monday, March 11, 2002
have just read the 700+ pages of Robert Jordan's The Great Hunt in about, i'd say less than 35 hours. and that includes sleep and meals in between. oh, and of course baths. anyway, why the hurry? or was it that good that i couldn't put it down til i got through all of it? well neither. i just had nothing better to do and this will be the second time i'll be immersing myself in the Wheel of Time, so i guess the stuff there are easier to understand.
let's see.. that was 3 books in 2 weeks. even i don't know why i seem to be reading too fast. maybe that fantasy world just makes me feel a lot better than this one. imean, fantasy literature is escapist in nature, no matter how closely it can resemble our waking world. it's so much easier to plunge headlong into my mind's eye and face Trollocs and Myrddraal in yellowing pages than it is to confront the terrible reality of my everyday existence.
my life's a bloody bore, blood and bloody ashes! so it really is a wonder that i don't get bored with it. that make sense?