"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> hole in the wall
Sunday, March 03, 2002
hurts. i bit my upper lip again, and it stings like theres a thorn stuck in my mouth. imagine a normal gum ache, but that its always scratched and bumped on against by my teeth. darn thing hurts and i cant think straight nor talk straight. nor eat much. not the first time it happened too, and once i bit the same spot three times in a day. hurts. hurts hurts hurts.
but wtf am i doing complaining bout some.. lip ache?! there are so many damned people out there aching, hurting, suffering from more aggravating things. and some dont even have homes, or parents, or food, or even something to wear.. and here i am, nagging bout a.. lip ache.
other people have worse problems, worse hurts than you do. no matter how much hurt you are by anything, other people got it worse than you, and folks dont really like complaining like that like youre dying, or trapped beneath an anvil or somthin. keep that in mind.
aw god, my lip hurts.