"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> hole in the wall
Tuesday, March 05, 2002
it all feels meaningless. not yet a minute passed, and i feel empty again. but no, it couldnt be emptiness when there's hurt and pain and self-loathing tumbling in the same room with dread. life meaningless, yes; but empty, no.
perhaps i shouldve watched my tongue, but she had told me i could tell her anything, and so i did. the sound of a phone hung up rang in my ears long after i left it.
now i know not whether i should be rejoicing or curling up to ashes. i remember when going to my classes filled me with a sense of purpose, a tinge of worth. lessons to learn, people to meet. i had lost those almost two years ago.. but it has been for two months now since ive rediscovered it again.
but now its gone, and i dont care.
now i dont care.