"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> hole in the wall
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
i've always wondered incredulously why people/men/pinoys love to drink and drink and drink. imean, they do it for the sake of inuman. sure, there's the bonding and the gossip etc. (plus the chance to dizzy up some gurls for later taking. ahem), but really, when people want to get together to drink, there's most probably no other reason than just to share the alcohol with someone else (barring depression, break-ups, and gurl-dizzy-upping).

there was only contempt in me whenever my relatives/friends invite each other for a round. and i vowed to myself never to drink (willingly), ever.

i said was, coz that was back then, just over a year ago. now i found myself taking up any excuse for some toasts and tagays. there's just no comparing the joy-inducing warmth ginpom spreads in my body, elevating my senses, enervating my awareness. no comparing, except with cuervo and chivas, that is.

yet still i don't know just what makes inuman so enticing. so hindi nakakasawa.

till i do, bottoms up!

SONG: The Libertines - I Get Along